When you need extra cash, or just want to get rid of that old jewellery collection, who do you trust for the best offers? Eastern Gold Co are a Manchester based company with over 40 years' experience in buying gold, platinum, diamonds & bullion as well as offering a fast service at competitive prices. If it's broken or damaged but still has precious metal content or if you need to recycle something special, we would love to help.
Are you a gold enthusiast, looking to cash out your Bullion collection? Or perhaps some old jewellery or broken items are just collecting dust in the darkest corner of your drawers. Whatever the case we would love to have them. We offer competitive prices for all types of gold, previously worn and even jewellry that’s nowhere near valuable enough like old necklaces, chains or bracelets. So don’t let those pieces of history become useless any longer!
Turn your bullion & jewellery into money. We pay up to 35% more than other jewellers so drop by our Manchester shop for a FREE quote.